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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Lake District

October 2009

7.5 mile walk with 2,300 feet of climbing taking 5 hours.


Red Screes is not such a popular walk as the peak does not link up with any other hills; it is a straight-up straight-down walk from Ambleside. Leaving Ambleside on North Road, the trail goes up a steep road leading to Kirkstone Pass. After a mile or so the path goes through a small gate on the left hand side, leading up a trail between two parallel dry stone walls built originally for sheep droving. The path goes on to a crest of a ridge and then up to Red Screes peak, past a small tarn. After lunch at the peak, we started the walk back down in a north-westerly direction to Scandale Pass. At the lowest point of the pass the trail heads down in to the valley. Prior to reaching Ambleside you pass Sweden Bridge, which offers an alternative route on the other side of the beck.


Heading up the droving pass to Red Screes

Keep well clear!

Trig point at Red Screes

Tony, Lesley, Mick & Jim (Photo; J Knight)

Tony, Lesley, Mick & Jim (Photo: J. Knight)

Mick (Photo: J Knight)

View from Red Screes

Surprise Tarn

View down the valley from Scandale Pass



Heading back down to Ambleside

Tony, Lesley, Jim & Jim

Sweden Bridge